Councillors and committees

How the council works


The council has agreed a constitution which sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the council to choose.

View the constitution

The council

The full council is made up of 85 locally elected councillors who make decisions on how to improve local services on behalf of local people. The way in which councillors make decisions is informed by the ideas of the political parties they represent.

Liverpool has a Leader and cabinet governance model. Cabinet members have defined responsibilities or 'portfolios'.

The Lord Mayor of Liverpool is chosen by the council and is the city's first citizen and representative.

Find out more about what the council does


Decisions and scrutiny of activities are undertaken through a range of Committees and Panels, including:

  • Cabinet — chaired by the Leader and comprising nine cabinet members each with specific responsibilities assigned by the Leader.
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committees — these monitor decisions made by the Leader and Cabinet and also examine ongoing performance within the City Council.
  • Scrutiny Panels — these are focused panels established by one or more Scrutiny Committee to undertake an in-depth examination of a particular issue or service
  • Regulatory Committees — these discharge a range of regulatory functions relating to planning and licensing matters.
  • Other committees.

Find out more about the above committees

Corporate Management Team

The day-to-day management of the council is carried out by the Management Team.

  • Andrew Lewis, Chief Executive
  • Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health
  • Nicki Butterworth, Corporate Director Neighbourhoods and Housing
  • Danny Clare, Assistant Chief Executive
  • Iolanda Puzio, Director City Law and Governance
  • Nuala Gallagher, Corporate Director of City Development
  • Anne Marie Lubanski, Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health and Deputy Chief Executive
  • Jacqui McKinlay, Chief Operating Officer
  • Camilla Mankabady, Director of Communications
  • Jenny Turnross, Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services
  • Ian Williams, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources and S151 Officer

The Corporate Management Team works closely with the cabinet and councillors to deliver the strategic direction and priorities.

They meet weekly to discuss key issues, such as the budget, transformation, performance and progress against our City Plan and Council Plan.

Officers are allowed to make delegated decisions in accordance with the council's Scheme of Delegation.