How we make decisions
Here are the items in our publication scheme which relate to the category 'How we make decisions'.
It covers policy proposals and decisions, the decision-making processes, internal criteria/procedures and consultations.
Timetable of Council meetings
The timetable of council meetings can be found on the councillors and committees website.
Agendas, Reports and Minutes
Agendas, officers' reports, background papers and minutes of Council Committee, Sub-Committee and standing forum meetings. You can view agendas and reports on the councillors and committees website.
Major policy proposals and decisions
Major policy proposals and decisions will be submitted to the Executive Board and then to full City Council for final approval. Details can be found under Register of Decisions page on the councillors and committees website.
Facts and analysis of facts considered when framing major policies
This information would be included in reports to City Council, Executive Board and Select Committees. Details can be found on the councillors and committees website. Information accessed via this link will identify the structure of the council and how decisions are made; it will also identify the roles and responsibilities of each of the Boards and Committees.
Public consultations
This information is available on our consultation and engagement pages.
Internal communications guidance
Where published, relevant information will be included in the section of the website specific to the topic. For example, decision-making criteria are often published in leaflets about the relevant service. Information relating to decision-making can be found under the Constitution.
We will continue to assess our internal documents to determine when it is appropriate to make something routinely available as a publication. Any such document that is not currently published can be requested under the FOI Act 2000.