Data protection and freedom of information

What we spend and how we spend it

Here are the items in our publication scheme which relate to the category 'What we spend and how we spend it'.

It covers financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Please note: anything with significant financial implications for the Council will be subject to a decision by Members and, where possible, will be discussed in public.

Medium Term Financial Plan

You can view the Medium Term Financial Strategy and its associated documents online.

Spending reviews

This information is found in the quarterly Financial Reviews which are considered by the Executive Board, this report is located on the Council's website.

The members' allowances scheme and allowances paid to Councillors

Details regarding the actual amounts paid to Members under the members allowance scheme are published on the councillors and committees website.

More information on the allowances scheme can be found under part 6 of the Constitution.

Staff allowances and expenses

Not currently on internet but this is under review. For further information about staff allowances and expenses, please submit an FoI request online.

Pay and grading structure

Information regarding pay and structure is currently being considered for release on the internet. For further information about pay and grading, please submit an FoI request online.

Election expenses

This relates to returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the council.

This information is not currently available via the internet. For further information about elections expenses, please submit an FoI request online.

Procurement procedures

Procurement procedures and regulations relating to tendering opportunities with the council.

Details of contracts currently being tendered

All of the council's current opportunities are advertised our current tenders page. You may also register for email alerts of current contracts about to be tendered and this is explained on the same page.

List of contracts awarded and their value

This information is available on the our procurement and tenders section.

For further information about contracts, please submit an FoI request online.

Financial statements for projects and events

View our spending and performance section.

For further information about financial statements, please submit an FoI request online.

Internal financial regulations

This information can be found under part 4 in the Constitution.

Funding for partnership arrangements

Relevant information will be included either in the Financial Plan or alternatively you can submit an FoI request online.

Annual Statement of Accounts

This information can be found on our statement of accounts page.