Data protection and freedom of information

Our priorities and how we are doing

Here are the items in our publication scheme which relate to the category 'Our priorities are and how we are doing'. It covers strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

If you cannot find the information you need below, you can make a freedom of information request online.

Annual reports

View current and previous annual reports on our councillors and committees website.

Strategies and business plans

Business plans for services provided by the council are not available on the internet; you can however submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to access this data.

You can view a range of the council's strategies, plans and policies.

Forward Plan

View the Forward Plan on the councillors and committees website.

Capital Strategy

You can view this strategy on the Medium Term Financial Plan page, appendix 1.

Local Area Agreements

Statistical information produced in accordance with the Council's and departmental requirements
National Indicator (NI) data can be found under the Council Plan, and the City Plan.

If you require other statistical data you may submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Impact assessments

Policies that go to Committee will go through an Equality Impact Assessment process. Once quality assured by the Equal Opportunities team, they will be published on the impact assessments page.

Service standards

Where available, details of where service standards can be accessed can be found on the web pages of each service area on this website, e.g. Registrars.