Public Health Liverpool

Health and Wellbeing Board

Liverpool's Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory forum where political, clinical, professional and community leaders come together to improve the health and wellbeing of those living in the city and reduce health inequalities.

As an important part of the local health and care system, health and wellbeing boards have clear guidance on roles and duties. See GOV.UK for guidance.

Liverpool's board is chaired by Council Leader, Cllr Liam Robinson. Other members include:

  • Councillor Harry Doyle, Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Culture
  • Councillor Angela Coleman, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services
  • Councillor Liz Parsons, Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Services
  • Councillor Jane Corbett
  • Councillor Richard Kemp CBE, Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool
  • Andrew Lewis, Chief Executive of Liverpool City Council
  • Anne Marie Lubanski, Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Adults Social Care and Health for Liverpool City Council
  • Jenny Turnross, Corporate Director for Children and Young People’s Services for Liverpool City Council
  • Professor Matt Ashton, Liverpool’s Director of Public Health

View the full list of board members on the councillors and committees website.


The board meets every quarter and seeks to carry out the strategic vision for improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in the city. This vision is made up of the:

The board also ensures that the health and wellbeing needs of the city's residents, as identified by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) are being carried out in the most effective way.

View agenda items and minutes of past and present board meetings on the councillor and committees website.