Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- About the JSNA The JSNA identifies key issues affecting the health and wellbeing of our residents, both now and in the future.
- Our city The JSNA highlights the key health and wellbeing issues affecting our residents so that the health and social care system can help address them.
- Wider determinants of health Wider determinants, also known as social determinants, are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health.
- Start well Every child in Liverpool should be given the best start in life, with the crucial period starting from pregnancy to the age of two.
- Grow well How we develop policies and interventions that effectively improve health in early years, and give children the best start in life.
- Live well Living well is essential in helping us manage our health and maintain our independence.
- Conditions and diseases Information on particular disease types and data on some of the main causes of death in the city.
- Age well Healthy active ageing and supporting independence, so older people are able to enjoy long and healthy lives, feeling safe at home and connected to their community.
- Specific population groups Health needs assessments for military veterans, homelessness and asylum seekers.