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Document library

The document library lists all strategies and plans across the council.

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  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

    Download this document: Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF: 46.5 MB)

    The Flood and Water Management Act 2010, designated Liverpool City Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and made LLFA’s responsible for managing flooding from 'local' sources. Section 9 of the same Act denotes that each LLFA for an area in England ‘must develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management in its area (a 'local flood risk management strategy')’.

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  • Market Position Statement - Adult Social Care and Homelessness 2020-2025

    Download this document: Market Position Statement - Adult Social Care and Homelessness 2020-2025 (PDF: 4.6 MB)

    The Market Position Statement contains intelligence, information and analysis of current services and includes future plans for adult social care in the city.

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  • Market Sustainability Plan 2022/24

    Download this document: Market Sustainability Plan 2022/24 (PDF: 278 KB)

    The Council’s market sustainability plan sets out the Council’s assessment of the sustainability of the 65+ care home and 18+ domiciliary care markets in the city, the impact of future market changes and the Council’s plans to address the sustainability issues identified.

    First published: 27/03/2023

  • Medium Term Financial Strategy and supporting documents

    Download this document: Medium Term Financial Strategy and supporting documents

    The Medium Term Financial Strategy demonstrates how the council’s financial resources will be deployed over the next four years to deliver declared aims and priorities. This link will take you to the MTFS section and its supporting documents.

    First published: 18/06/2024

  • Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2019-2020

    Download this document: Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2019-2020 (PDF: 572 KB)

    This statement sets out the council's actions in working to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its organisation and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business or its supply chains.

    First published: 1/04/2019

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  • Our Liverpool Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and Vulnerable Migrant Strategy 2019-2022

    Download this document: Our Liverpool Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and Vulnerable Migrant Strategy 2019-2022 (PDF: 6.5 MB)

    This strategy sets out the Our Liverpool vision of making Liverpool a welcoming and safe place for refugees, people seeking asylum and other vulnerable migrants to rebuild their lives. It outlines the challenges that refugees and communities face and sets out our resources, our approach and our long term aims and objectives.

    First published: 1/04/2019

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  • Our People Plan 2023-2027

    Download this document: Our People Plan 2023-2027 (PDF: 1.3 MB)

    Supporting us to become an inclusive employer of choice with a skilled, diverse and healthy workforce.

    First published: 22/11/2023

  • Parking Appeals Policy

    Download this document: Parking Appeals Policy (PDF: 582 KB)

    Guidance on how to appeal against penalty charge notices (PCN).

    First published: 14/06/2016

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  • Parking Contravention Codes

    Download this document: Parking Contravention Codes (PDF: 158 KB)

    The descriptions in this document may differ from the exact wording on your PCN. The PCN wording is correct and in accordance with the Statutory Instrument 2007 No 3487. The descriptions in the document are provided only as a guide.

    First published: 1/04/2015

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  • Parking Enforcement Policy

    Download this document: Parking Enforcement Policy (DOC: 1.4 MB)

    We are committed to enforcing parking regulations fairly and equitably and to improve conditions for people living in, working in and visiting Liverpool through effective on street parking enforcement.

    First published: 1/08/2019

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  • Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy - Revised 2022

    Download this document: Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy - Revised 2022 (PDF: 535 KB)

    This policy outlines our approach to securing compliance with legislation pertinent to public health and in relation to private sector housing and the extent to which the council will intervene to make use of the powers held under Part 1 of the Housing Act 2004, the council’s approach to licensing of HMO’s under Part 2 of the Act and the council’s approach to Selective Licensing under Part 3 of the Act.

    First published: 15/02/2023

  • Procurement Strategy 2016-2020

    Download this document: Procurement Strategy 2016-2020 (PDF: 395 KB)

    This strategy describes how the Commercial Procurement Unit will develop the department and use our professional procurement and market expertise to deliver strategic and operational support to frontline services and the city’s businesses and citizens generally.

    First published: 18/04/2016

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