Are you a professional?
How to contact us if you work with someone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness, and make a housing referral on their behalf.
If you are a professional and someone you are working with is homeless or is at risk of losing their home, you can refer them to our Housing Options Service.
Some public bodies now have a responsibility to refer people they think are homeless or at risk. These include:
- hospitals
- prisons
- the probation service
- Jobcentre Plus
Not a professional? Homeless or at risk of homelessness? See our make a homeless application page.
Make a professional referral online
Before you refer the person, please make sure:
- they have nowhere they can legally live or
- they are at risk of losing their home in the next eight weeks (56 days)
You must make also sure the person is happy for you to:
- refer them to us and not another council in England
- share their contact details with us
Make an online professional referral
Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.
What happens next?
Once we receive the referral, we get in touch with the person within two working days.
Any support we offer will depend on their personal circumstances.
In an emergency
If the person’s need is more urgent and they cannot wait two working days for us to contact them, please call 0800 731 6844.