Leisure and wellbeing

Adult football pitches - conditions of hire 2024/25

  1. Applications for hire

    1. Liverpool City Council operated grass football pitches and facilities will be open from weekend Saturday 7th September 2024 and will open on successive weekends excluding the Christmas break until Sunday 11th May 2025. Changes to these dates and the availability of midweek dates (April only) will be subject to discussion and agreement with the Liverpool County FA and/or individual Leagues. During the Christmas period sites will be closed after Sunday 22nd December 2024 and will not re-open until Saturday 6th January 2025.
    2. The Club/Team or organisations Secretary, whose name appears on the pitch hire application form shall be deemed to be the hirer of facilities and shall be responsible for ensuring that his/her club, team or organisation fully understands and complies with all terms and conditions in the agreement and also agrees to comply with any directions given by an authorised officer of the council or its representatives, and that all persons connected with the club/team/organisation or their visitors/guests conduct themselves in a correct and appropriate manner. The club Secretary will also be responsible to ensure all pitch hire fees are paid.
    3. The allocation of any pitch will only be made official when it is confirmed by email. The council reserves the right to re-allocate any pitch and or its facilities without notice.
    4. The sub-letting of a pitch is forbidden.
    5. The playing of football will not be permitted when in the absolute discretion of the authorised officer the playing surface is considered unfit for play. Any decision made by council officers will be final. Please note in the event of weather warnings being issued fixtures will be subject to mandatory call offs due to health and safety concerns.
    6. Clubs must play on a pitch at the site allocated and, under no circumstances use a pitch at other sites without the prior permission of the council.
    7. All teams, clubs and leagues using Liverpool City Council playing facilities must be affiliated to the Liverpool County FA who can be contacted at 0151 523 4488 or by e-mailing info@liverpoolfa.com.
    8. Clubs must ensure that they have adequate first aid provision and have the means to communicate with the emergency services in the event of an injury to player/s or others persons associated to the club, team or organisation.
    9. Personal information required to complete this application is the minimum required to process the application and is used solely for administrative purposes and not shared with any third parties in line with our privacy notice.
    10. Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

  2. Charges

    1. On being notified that the application has been accepted, secretaries of the team, club or organisation must ensure payment for the hire of the pitches as agreed. This ruling will be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply will result in the club having their hire agreement cancelled.
    2. The charges levied are for approved League and Cup games only during the 2023/24 Season. Pitch hire fees are linked to pitch level of maintenance received.
    3. Streetscene, parks and greenspaces must be immediately informed of any change of Secretary or contact details. Any change of Secretary will require a new pitch hire agreement to be completed and signed.
    4. Any pitch hire applications received from Teams/Clubs or Organisations with outstanding debts will not be considered until payment is received in full. Please note that this includes any teams who have set up a debt recovery plan with Liverpool City Council debt recovery.
  3. Changing accommodation

    1. Liverpool City Council will not be responsible for the theft, damage or loss of any property belonging to players or representatives of the club team or organisation. Property stored in the dressing rooms or otherwise is done so entirely at the owners own risk. Hirers are asked to inform all associated of this.
    2. In the event of a club accepting responsibility for keys to access changing rooms on match days a named club member or official will be fully responsible for the security, furniture, fixings and fabrics of the changing accommodation.
    3. Changing accommodation or pitches will not be opened to support training sessions or friendly matches.
    4. The changing accommodation shall not be used for the preparation of food including tea/coffee etc, or for the storage of perishable goods.
    5. In the event of any damage to the changing accommodation, article, item or property owned by the Council either during the period of hire or at any other time during which the hirer or any person associated with him/her shall be using the premises for any purpose, the expense of replacing or making good the same shall be borne by the hirer.
    6. The washing of football kits and football boots within the shower areas or elsewhere within the changing accommodation is strictly prohibited; an additional charge will be levied on any Club found not adhere to this condition.
    7. Changing accommodation must be left tidy after use.
    8. All buildings are covered by the City Council's No Smoking Policy and Smoke Free Sidelines Liverpool directive (SFSL). This applies to all Council owned buildings and land. Facilities users must abide by this ruling. (See 11.0)
  4. Pitches and goals

    1. A responsible member of the club, team or organisation must make a visual inspection in association with the appointed referee to check the pitch for hazards such as broken glass or other objects on the surface of the Playing area and surrounding run-offs. This should be carried out before the start of each game to confirm the playing surface is safe to play on. Any issues should be reported immediately to the authorised officer/attendant in order that the problem can be officially recorded and dealt with.
    2. It is important that club officials check goal posts prior to games being played to ensure that they are in safe condition for use. On sites where clubs set up their own equipment, installation must be undertaken by responsible adults and should not be left unattended. On completion of the game equipment must be dismantled and stored in a safe and secure way in designated areas.
    3. All equipment and goalposts (if applicable) must be removed from site at the end of the season.
  5. Cancellation of games

    1. Pitch inspections are carried out preferably on Friday mornings to determine if pitches are fit to play. However, in extreme weather conditions a decision to call off games may be taken earlier after consultation with grounds maintenance colleagues and appropriate Leagues. We will contact the League Fixture Secretaries and the local media to inform them of pitch cancellations by telephone, email and social media. All are asked to respect any decision made. Please note in the event of weather warning being issued fixtures will be subject to mandatory call offs due to health and safety concerns.
  6. Car parking

    1. Clubs are reminded that under Liverpool City Council byelaws it is an offence to drive or park a vehicle on a public park or playing field other than in the official car parks. This rule applies to anyone connected with the club including its supporters. Failure to comply with this request may result in the team's loss of tenancy. It is also the Council's policy to prosecute offenders.
    2. At football pitch sites were parking space is known to be limited, Secretaries are asked to assist by informing all associated with the club, team or organisation not to park vehicles on grass verges, block residential property driveways or obstruct entrance gates and not to park on double yellow lines. We would also request that respect is given to the privacy and property of our neighbours.
  7. Litter

    1. Hirers of facilities should ensure that any litter is disposed of in the litter bins provided.
  8. Insurance

    1. Clubs shall indemnify the Council against any loss, claims or damages in respect of death or personal injury (other than death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Council, their servants or agents) or loss of or damage to property arising out of the use by clubs or their visitors of the pitches and shall take out a policy of insurance against any claim by the Council or any other person under this indemnity.
  9. The Council

    1. In the event of any person associated with a club or organisation failing to comply with or committing any breach of these conditions the authorised officer may withhold from the club the use of any pitch and these could result in the termination of this agreement. In these circumstances no refund will be made.
    2. The Council reserves the right to:
      • refuse any application for the hiring of the Councils premises without being required to give any reasons for such refusal.
      • close or prohibit the use of its facilities at its discretion and not be liable for any loss or expenditure incurred by the hirer arising out of the cancellation.

      The premises shall not be used for any purpose other for which they are hired and will be responsible for ensuring that the facilities are used in a reasonable and proper manner using his / her best endeavours to prevent loss or damage to Council property.

      Broadcasting by sound or television or recording by video shall not be permitted without the written consent of the Council.

  10. Conduct

    1. The Club, team or organisation (the hirer) will be responsible for the conduct of the players and supporters and must ensure that during the period of hire shall not cause offence to the surrounding proximity. Please respect our neighbours and keep noise levels down to a minimum avoiding foul and abusive language.
    2. Any threat, act of violence, intimidation or inappropriate language towards a Liverpool City Council officer/s or its representatives by any person/s associated with the club, team or organisation will not be tolerated and will result in prosecution and termination of this agreement. In these circumstances no refund will be made.
  11. Smoke Free Sidelines Liverpool (SFSL)

    Liverpool City Council in co-operation with its partners have adopted the Smoke Free Sidelines Liverpool policy which aims to stop smoking and vaping on Liverpool City Council playing fields.

    By signing any agreement the hirer is agreeing not to allow anyone associated with their club, league or organisation, including spectators, to smoke or vape whilst using Liverpool City Council playing pitches and associated facilities.

    Please note: SFSL will be monitored and those found to be in breach of this policy will be reported to the hirer in the first instance for internal action to be taken in line with the hirer's club, league or organisations code of conduct.

    Repeated breaches of agreement will lead to hirer's agreement being terminated and the local governing body Liverpool County Football Association being informed. To view further information on Smoke Free Guidelines Liverpool please email parks@liverpool.gov.uk.