Leisure and wellbeing

Allotment rent notice

From 1st January 2024 allotment plot rental charges will increase.

View our rent notice to find out more


Liverpool allotment list

Adlam, Adlam Road, L9
Call 07863 312929 between 9am-4pm or email adlamallotments@gmail.com
Allerton, Keswick Road, L18
Email jmmiller304@hotmail.co.uk
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Ashfield, Brookside Avenue, L14
Visit Ashfield website or email allotments@liverpool.gov.uk
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Chapel House Farm, Brunswick Street, L19
Email chfa.secretary@gmail.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Clubmoor Allotments and Community Clubhouse, 1 Brownville Road, L13 8DQ
Email clubmoor.allotments@gmail.com.
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Dingle Vale, Buckland Street, L17
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Dunbabin, Beauclair Drive/Childwall Road, L15
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Edge Lane, Mill Road, L13
Email edgelane.allotments@gmail.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Grandison, Grandison Road, L4
Visit Grandison website or email grandisonallotsociety@gmail.com.
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Greenbank, Greenbank Lane, L17
Email greenbankplots@gmail.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Harthill, Harthill Road, L18
Visit Harthill website
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Higher Lane, L9
Call 07817 985904
Lister Drive, Brainerd Street, L13
Email listerdriveallotments@gmail.com
Menlove Avenue, Vale Road, L25
Call Kerry Peacock on 0151 421 0222 or 07969 881270
Mersey Road, L17
Email merseyrdallotments@gmail.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Park Hill Community Allotments Association, Park Hill, Dingle, L8
Email parkhillallotment@gmail.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Pitville Avenue, L18
Call 0151 722 7834
Seeds Lane, Barlows Lane, L9
Visit Seeds Lane website or email seedslane@outlook.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Sefton Park, Greenbank Drive, L17
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Sturdee Rd.
Email sturdeeroadallotments2016@gmail.com
Sudley, North Sudley Road, L17
Email sudleyallotments@yahoo.com for waiting list enquiries and include your full name, address, postcode and contact number.
Thingwall Road, L15
Email thingwallroadallotments@gmail.com
Walton Hall Park (in the park) L9
Call 0151 222 9454 (answer machine) or email waltonallotments@yahoo.com
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Wavertree, Childwall Road, L16
Email parks@liverpool.gov.uk
Waiting list closed until further notice.
Wharncliffe, Eastcliffe Road, L13
Visit Wharncliffe website or email allotments@liverpool.gov.uk
Waiting list closed until further notice.


The cost for an allotment for 2023 will be £54 per year for a full plot, or £27 per year for over 60s.

Allotment holders are also being given 12 months’ notice of plot rental increase for 2024. No decision has yet been made on 2024 rent increases. We aim to communicate the decision to all allotment holders in May 2023 after consultation with stakeholders.

How to apply

Each allotment society is responsible for allocating allotments and managing their waiting list, if they have one.

If you are interested in a plot, or finding out more, please contact the individual allotment representative using the contact details from the list above.

Making changes to your existing allotment?

If you are planning to erect a building in your allotment plot, please read the guidance: