Local studies collection
Our local studies collection has books on all aspects of Liverpool's history located in the 'Archive' area on the 3rd floor of Central Library.

The key histories of Liverpool by Enfield, Picton Muir, Chandler and Belchem are available along with other detailed histories of the City and Merseyside. There is also history related to Lancashire and Cheshire available.
There are significant journals and periodicals such as The Porcupine, Liverpolitan and Sea Breezes year books, annual reports and directories such as Gore's, Kelly's and The Red Book along with the directories for the Diocese and Archdiocese. Please note that these books are for reference only and can only be viewed in the search room or on microfilm. Many of the key works have been catalogued and indexed in detail, and the information is searchable via the archive catalogue.
The collection also includes material on microfilm and microfiche such as newspapers, periodicals and church records. We hold Ordnance Survey and town street maps, along with subject maps including tramways, nautical charts, geological surveys etc.
Reader guides and subject guides are available on the 3rd floor of the library and these can be printed out or emailed to you. Guides include:
- Advertising
- The Beatles
- Black History
- Cemeteries
- Evacuation and World War 2
- Politics and political sources
- The Irish in Liverpool
You can search our subscription sites, Ancestry and Find My Past, via the Digital Library which is available on Library computers.