How to pay for a course
How much?
The course fees will be given to you at the information and assessment sessions. If a course costs £70 or more, you can ask to pay in three instalments.
Lots of our courses may be free of charge if you are in receipt of certain benefits or earning less than £33,958.
How to pay
The course fees will be given to you at the information and assessment sessions. More information about how to pay will also be given.
Free employability courses
Any of our listed courses marked with an * are employment related or lead to a nationally recognised qualification. If you receive Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance (Work Related Activity Group only) or Universal Credit, these are free of charge unless it clearly states that the course is a ‘full cost course’.
Courses marked with ** are also employment related and in addition to the benefits listed above, if you receive Income Support, Housing/Council Tax Benefit, Working Tax Credit, ESA (Support Group) these are also free of charge unless it clearly states that it is a 'full cost course'.
To qualify you will need to show us proof of your benefit status. Proof we accept is a recently dated letter from a Job Centre Plus or similar clear evidence stating the benefit you claim.
Please contact us if you need to know more or download our fees and remission policy below.
Course fees and eligibility remission policy 2024-25
Download this document: Course fees and eligibility remission policy 2024-25 (DOCX: 71 KB)
Last updated: 1/08/2024