Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Schools and learning

How to register for a school admissions account

These instructions will help you to register for a school admissions account so that you can apply for a place in Reception or Year 7 when the admissions process opens, or apply for in year transfers and school travel support.

You will need an email address to register for an account.

  1. Step 1: Select the 'Register' link


    When you open the school admissions portal, select the 'Register link'. You'll find this just under the Liverpool City Council logo where it says 'Don't have an account? Please register'. Or you can choose the middle link in the top right corner, 'Register'.

    Select the 'Register' link

  2. Step 2: Enter your details


    Complete all fields as requested. Clicking on each question will tell you how to complete a field.

    For example, clicking on 'Password' will tell you how many characters you need to use and what they must consist of.

    Enter your contact details

    Anything with a red star next to it means you must fill it in or you won't be able to continue.

    The password that you choose is what you will use to sign in to your account, once registration is completed.

  3. Step 3: Submit registration


    Select the blue 'Submit registration' button to submit your registration. The button is located at the bottom of the page and looks like this:

    Submit registration button

    When you click on the button it should take you to a confirmation screen with a message.

    If you do not continue to the confirmation screen you might not have completed some of the required fields with the red star.

    Complete the fields and submit again.

  4. Step 4: Activate your account


    When you submit your registration you will see a screen with a message to say we've sent you an email containing a link:

    Check your email

    Go to your email inbox and click on the link we emailed to you:

    Confirmation message

    The link will open a page which will ask you to confirm your email address.

    If the link doesn't open when you click on it, copy it and paste it directly into your browser to complete the process.

    If the email is not in your inbox, check your junk mail folder.

  5. Step 5: Registration complete


    When you have entered and confirmed your password, this will activate your account and complete your registration. You will see a thank-you message on screen:

    Thank you for registering message

    You can now sign in to the portal. Your username is your email address and your password will be the password you created during registration.

    If you forget your password, just click 'Forgot password' and you will be able to reset it.