Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Adult Social Care

Problems with a Closomat or Geberit wash dry toilet

If you have a Closomat or Geberit wash dry toilet that is not working as it should, follow our simple steps to try to resolve the problem.

Closomat self-help guide

  • Step 1: Check the switch on the right-hand side of the unit as you look at it, is pushed in on 1 and is illuminated blue. If your toilet is over 13 years old, the switch will be positioned at a lower level and will not be illuminated.
  • Step 2: Check the electrical switch outside bathroom is switched on. It may be labelled ‘Clos-o-Mat’.
  • Step 3: Check your electric board to find out if the RCD or fuse has not tripped.

Most leaks reported are not actually from the Closomat but from either the waste or water connections. It is always worth checking these first before asking for a repair. Water on the floor can also be from the douche if the user is not positioned correctly over the spray.

Geberit self-help guide

It is likely that your Geberit toilet needs descaling. Find out how to descale my Geberit wash dry toilet.

Try switching the toilet off for 30 seconds and then switch back on. For further support please see the below links.