Environmental health

Development on contaminated land

Under the Contaminated Land Regulations the council is duty bound to inspect its area for land that may be defined as contaminated. Our Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy sets out how we do this.

As part of this process, we ensure that any developer carries out necessary site investigations, puts forward proposals for dealing with identified contamination, and implements agreed proposals.

Your responsibilities

If you are the owner or developer of a site it is your responsibility to investigate and address land contamination issues and ensure that any future development is safe and suitable for use.

We strongly recommend that developers appoint qualified, experienced and competent environmental consultants at the earliest opportunity to undertake such works on your behalf and advise on all legislative obligations.


To facilitate best practice, uphold professional standards, prevent delays to redevelopment, and to reduce developers' potential liabilities, we have produced the guidance documents below to help the assessment and clean up of potentially contaminated land.

We expect any environmental consultant preparing planning submissions to be familiar with our local guidance. We do not accept responsibility for any delays or associated costs where submissions are referred for further investigations, or amendment and resubmission.