Council Tax

Council Tax for empty properties and second homes

Council Tax is payable on all properties that are empty and unfurnished. The amount you pay will increase the longer a property remains empty.  If you own a second home, you will pay twice the normal Council Tax charge. Some exceptions may apply. 

Empty and unfurnished properties 

There are no discounts available on empty and unfurnished properties. A full Council Tax charge will apply for the first 12 months. 

Long term empty properties 

If a property remains empty and unfurnished for over 12 months you must pay an empty property premium. This is an extra charge starting from when the property first became empty and unfurnished, even if the owner has changed during that period. 


Amount payable for empty and unfurnished properties

Duration Charge
1 to 5 years a premium of 100% making a total payable of 200% of the full Council Tax charge  
5 to 10 years a premium of 200% making a total payable of 300% of the full Council Tax charge  
More than 10 years a premium of 300% making a total payable of 400% of the full Council Tax charge  

To ensure the Council Tax is correct, please tell us when your property is either sold or let, providing full details of the new tenants or owner.

Second homes

A second home is defined as a furnished property that is not your sole or main residence. If you have a second home, you will pay twice the normal Council Tax charge for the property (100% premium). 

However, if your second home is required as part of your employment contract (Armed Forces, other job-related dwelling), you may be able to claim a 50% discount. Find out more about job-related second home exemptions and how to apply.


The following exceptions may apply to long term empty and second home premiums. 

Exceptions that apply to long term empty and second homes: 

  • Dwelling which is or would be your sole or main residence if you were not residing in job-related armed forces accommodation. 
  • Annexes forming part of, or being treated as part of, the main dwelling. 
  • Dwellings being actively marketed for sale or to let (12-month limit). 
  • Unoccupied dwellings left empty by a deceased person (exempt class F) and where probate has recently been granted (12 months from grant of probate and letters of administration. 

Exceptions that apply to second homes only: 

  • Job-related dwellings. 
  • Occupied caravan pitches and boat moorings. 
  • Seasonal homes where year-round, permanent occupation is prohibited, specified for use as holiday accommodation or planning condition preventing occupancy for more than 28 days continuously. 

Exceptions that apply to long-term empty only: 

  • Empty dwellings requiring or undergoing major repairs or structural alterations (12-month limit). 

Read more about the premiums and definitions on GOV.UK. 

Apply for an exception 

If we have sent you a bill showing premium charges, but you believe an exception applies, tell us. You'll need to provide the following information.

  • Council Tax reference number, which you’ll find on your bill. 
  • Evidence to support which exception you are applying for (see table below for examples of evidence we will accept). These can be photographs or scanned images, but must be clear and legible. 

Exceptions and evidence needed

Exception applying for Evidence you need to supply
Armed Forces accommodation military Payslips showing contributions in lieu of Council Tax (CILCT), activity marketed for let/sale - valid energy performance certificate (EPC), letter from MOD as employer.
Annexe to main dwelling Council Tax records showing annex classification photographs.
Actively marketed for sale or to let Estate agent listing and marketing history and link to online advert.
Recently granted probate Probate document.
Job-related second home Letter from employer and employment contract.
Caravan pitches or boat moorings Site agreement showing residential status
Seasonal homes Planning permission evidence showing occupancy restrictions.
Major repairs or structural work Building control approval and contractor estimates, photographs and invoices for work.

If you believe any of the exceptions above apply to you and have evidence to support this, please email and enter 'Empty properties and second home premium exception' in the subject field. Please attach copies of your proof documents to the email and include your Council Tax reference.