Pillar four: Healthier lives
The key council led strategies and plans to support pillar four of the Council Plan, healthier lives for children and adults.
Council strategies and plans
Liverpool Active City 2024-2034
Download this document: Liverpool Active City 2024-2034 (PDF: 3.8 MB)
Our strategy for Liverpool to become the most active major city in England by 2040, where people of all ages are active every day.
Last updated: 4/03/2025
Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy 2019-2024
Download this document: Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF: 3.1 MB)
The strategy has been developed in partnership with carers and sets out Liverpool City Council and NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) continued commitment to work together, with partners, to support the health and wellbeing of all carers in Liverpool; reducing the negative impact of caring and enabling carers to lead fulfilled, independent lives alongside their caring role.
First published: 1/04/2019
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Related documents
Liverpool’s Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy 2019-2024 (Summary)
Download this document: Liverpool’s Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy 2019-2024 (Summary) (PDF: 84 KB)
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Liverpool’s Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy Action Plan
Download this document: Liverpool’s Integrated All-Age Carers Strategy Action Plan (PDF: 485 KB)
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Market Sustainability Plan 2022/24
Download this document: Market Sustainability Plan 2022/24 (PDF: 278 KB)
The Council’s market sustainability plan sets out the Council’s assessment of the sustainability of the 65+ care home and 18+ domiciliary care markets in the city, the impact of future market changes and the Council’s plans to address the sustainability issues identified.
First published: 27/03/2023
Liverpool Neglect Strategy 2023-2026 (liverpoolscp.org.uk)
Download this document: Liverpool Neglect Strategy 2023-2026 (liverpoolscp.org.uk)
The aim of this strategy is to strengthen the partnership response to the challenge of neglect in Liverpool. To do this, is it important there is a shared understanding of neglect and how it impacts on children and young people. Of equal importance is the need for professionals to work together to tackle neglect at the earliest opportunity to prevent its long-term impact. This document opens in an external website.
First published: 14/02/2023
A System-wide Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Strategy for Liverpool 2024-2030
Download this document: A System-wide Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Strategy for Liverpool 2024-2030 (PDF: 2.1 MB)
This 2024-2030 Sexual & Reproductive Health and HIV Strategy sets out Liverpool’s priorities and bold approach to improving the sexual health and wellbeing of our population. The effects of sexual ill-health are far reaching, and for those affected, the impacts can be compounded by ongoing stigma and lack of understanding.
First published: 7/12/2023
Liverpool Tobacco Control Strategy 2024-2030
Download this document: Liverpool Tobacco Control Strategy 2024-2030 (PDF: 10 MB)
This strategy sets out our aim for Liverpool to become a smokefree city in which our communities live longer, healthier and happier lives.
First published: 18/06/2024
Last updated: 24/07/2024
Other policies and documents
Market Position Statement - Adult Social Care and Homelessness 2020-2025
Download this document: Market Position Statement - Adult Social Care and Homelessness 2020-2025 (PDF: 4.6 MB)
The Market Position Statement contains intelligence, information and analysis of current services and includes future plans for adult social care in the city.
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Cost of Care Homes Report January 2023
Download this document: Cost of Care Homes Report January 2023 (PDF: 535 KB)
This document contains information on the cost of care (CoC) exercise for care homes (65+) completed by Liverpool City Council (‘the Council’). The report fulfils condition 1 of the 2022/23 Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund and will form part of the Council’s submission to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
First published: 14/02/2023
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Cost of Domiciliary Care Report January 2023
Download this document: Cost of Domiciliary Care Report January 2023 (PDF: 331 KB)
This document contains information on the cost of care (CoC) exercise for domiciliary care (18+) completed by Liverpool City Council (‘the Council’). The report fulfils condition 1 of the 2022/23 Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund and will form part of the Council’s submission to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
First published: 14/02/2023
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Safeguarding Children's Procedure
Download this document: Safeguarding Children's Procedure
The procedures that should be followed when taking action to safeguard a child from the risk of significant harm. These procedures should be followed along with the relevant individual agency procedures. This document opens in an external website.
Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol 2016
Download this document: Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol 2016 (DOCX: 226 KB)
Foster carers have the right to freedom of movement between fostering services. The protocol recognises the principles of child care legislation and seeks to ensure that safeguarding the welfare of children is at the core of fostering policy and practice. It recognises that the welfare of any child in placement is paramount.
First published: 1/04/2016
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Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Report (January 2023)
Download this document: Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Report (January 2023) (PDF: 859 KB)
First published: 14/02/2023
Special Guardianship Support Policy 2023-25
Download this document: Special Guardianship Support Policy 2023-25 (PDF: 716 KB)
This policy outlines our process for special guardianship assessments to allow children to remain within the family unit or with another significant person.
First published: 19/06/2023
Special Guardianship Support Policy 2023-25 (family friendly version)
Download this document: Special Guardianship Support Policy 2023-25 (family friendly version) (PDF: 482 KB)
Information and advice for carers considering special guardianship for children and young people in Liverpool.
First published: 20/06/2023