Pillar 4: Healthier lives for children and adults

We will work to reduce health inequalities and improve the standard of support so that people can experience a better quality of life, for longer. We will ensure that adults in Liverpool remain safe, protected and are supported to live independently and that all children and young people receive the support they need to enjoy the best quality of life.

An older lady being helped down stairs by a home helper

Accountability for delivery

  • Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Culture
  • Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services
  • Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Services
  • Director of Public Health
  • Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health
  • Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services
  • The Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, and the Chief Executive have accountability and oversight across all six pillars

What we want to achieve

  1. Priority outcomes

    1. Increased healthy life expectancy. To reduce the differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities within Liverpool and between Liverpool and elsewhere in the UK.
    2. Residents in need of social care can access the right support at the right time at the best value for money
    3. People can maintain their independence for as long as possible in the homes and communities where they want to live
    4. People have improved choice and control over the care they access
    5. Children and families remain together and resilient, through sufficient, high-quality and value for money support
    6. Children and young people are safeguarded through timely, effective and appropriate support
    7. Liverpool is a child-friendly city, with an influential voice for young people
  1. How we will deliver the outcomes for healthier lives for children and adults

    1. Increased healthy life expectancy. To reduce the differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities within Liverpool and between Liverpool and elsewhere in the UK

      1. Embed prevention and early intervention across the council and with health system partners
      2. Provide and join up services to ensure that all children and young people receive the best start in life
      3. Deliver health improvement initiatives (e.g. smoking, alcohol, vaping, exercise / physical activity, healthy weight, mental health and wellbeing, good food plan)
      4. Provide public health care services (e.g. addictions, health checks, falls)
      5. Protect the public from infectious disease, incidents and outbreaks, and environmental hazards
      6. Tackle the wider social determinants of ill health and health inequalities (e.g. health in all policies, health literacy, Marmot partnership, cost of living)
    2. Residents in need of social care can access the right support at the right time at the best value for money

      1. Promoting and embedding the strength of community networks so people can access the kind of support they choose to have in their lives.
      2. Work closer with commissioning partners to better meet need and improve outcomes.
      3. Focus on understanding the challenges, tensions and strengths within the wider adult care market while working with providers and partners to improve service continuity and quality
    3. People can maintain their independence for as long as possible in the homes and communities where they want to live

      1. Focus on the causes of health inequality and promote innovation to increase prevention and early intervention for individuals with complex needs
      2. Create pathways that put and keep the person at the centre of the hospital discharge process and prioritises reablement
      3. Prioritise prevention and early intervention, steering people back to independence
    4. People have improved choice and control over the care they access

      1. Providing good quality advice and guidance, signposting to options that may prevent, reduce and delay formal ASC interventions.
      2. Change our front door processes to provide support proportionate to the level of need.
      3. Create better channels for communication and engagement with and between people and our services.
      4. Embed strengths-based practise to help people to recognise and access support within their own communities and networks
    5. Children and families remain together and resilient, through sufficient, high-quality and value for money support

      1. Implement the Family Hub and Start for Life Programme
      2. Further develop and strengthen the early help (supporting families) system
      3. Ensure sufficient support for children and families when needed, through effective commissioning
      4. Support young people so that they are prepared for adulthood
      5. Creating local children’s homes for local children
    6. Children and young people are safeguarded through timely, effective and appropriate support

      1. Continue to implement Family Safeguarding Model with Partners to support children to remain within family networks where safe to do so
      2. Monitoring visits and focused visits will evidence Liverpool’s improvement to be good, when there is the next full inspection
      3. Strengthen our responsibility as Corporate Parents for looked-after children and care leavers through involving all parts of the city council in initiatives to improve outcomes
    7. Liverpool is a child-friendly city, with an influential voice for young people

      1. Child friendly city programme achieves phased accreditation via UNICEF
      2. Implement action plan including three thematic badges chosen by children and young people – ‘Healthy’ (physical and mental health), ‘Equal and Included’ (opportunities to grow, learn, explore, have fun and be protected from discrimination) and ‘Place’ (Move freely and feel connected to the city and their community and feel welcome in public spaces)
      3. Further strengthen participation to ensure local services are delivered with children and young people at their centre
School children running