Pillar three: Thriving communities

The key council led plans and strategies to deliver pillar three of the Council Plan, to create clean, green and safe communities and excellent neighbourhood services:

Council strategies and plans

  • Citysafe Plan 2024-27

    Download this document: Citysafe Plan 2024-27 (PDF: 2.2 MB)

    The Citysafe Partnership works together to prevent and reduce crime and disorder and improve community cohesion, supporting safe and thriving neighbourhoods. We work together for the benefit of everyone who lives, works, visits, studies and socialises in Liverpool.

    First published: 15/10/2021

    Last updated: 18/09/2024

  • Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026

    Download this document: Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF: 504 KB)

    A three-year strategy to transform the way Liverpool City Council responds to violence against women and girls, by engaging and working collaboratively with city-wide stakeholders across various sectors and social groups across Liverpool.

    First published: 6/01/2023

  • Liverpool Community Safety Partnership Serious Violence Delivery Plan 2024-2025

    Download this document: Liverpool Community Safety Partnership Serious Violence Delivery Plan 2024-2025 (PDF: 2.5 MB)

    This is our plan to inform, co-ordinate, promote and govern work and resources to tackle serious violence in the city.

    First published: 15/03/2024

    Last updated: 15/03/2024

  • Domestic Abuse Partnership Strategy 2024-27

    Download this document: Domestic Abuse Partnership Strategy 2024-27 (PDF: 427 KB)

    This partnership strategy aims to tackle domestic abuse and challenge those who perpetrate it, holding them to account for their actions and the impact on those around them.

    First published: 2/10/2024

  • Hate Crime Strategy 2020-2023

    Download this document: Hate Crime Strategy 2020-2023 (PDF: 225 KB)

    This strategy sets out Liverpool's response to hate crime - a collective vision for the city based on consultation with service users, partner organisations and informed by research.

    First published: 26/05/2021

  • Our Liverpool Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and Vulnerable Migrant Strategy 2019-2022

    Download this document: Our Liverpool Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and Vulnerable Migrant Strategy 2019-2022 (PDF: 6.5 MB)

    This strategy sets out the Our Liverpool vision of making Liverpool a welcoming and safe place for refugees, people seeking asylum and other vulnerable migrants to rebuild their lives. It outlines the challenges that refugees and communities face and sets out our resources, our approach and our long term aims and objectives.

    First published: 1/04/2019

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Other policies and documents

  • CCTV - Surveillance camera Code of Practice

    Download this document: CCTV - Surveillance camera Code of Practice (PDF: 297 KB)

    The council operates public surveillance for the purpose of crime reduction and public safety. This code of practice is to ensure full compliance with the regulatory framework governing the use of surveillance camera schemes.

    First published: 17/01/2022

  • Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2019-2020

    Download this document: Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2019-2020 (PDF: 572 KB)

    This statement sets out the council's actions in working to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its organisation and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business or its supply chains.

    First published: 1/04/2019

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  • Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2022-2025

    Download this document: Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2022-2025 (PDF: 409 KB)

    The licensing authority (the council) is required by the Gambling Act to publish a statement of the principles which we propose to apply when exercising our functions in relation to gambling licences. It must be published every 3 years.

    First published: 31/01/2019

    Last updated: 12/05/2022

  • Licensing Policy Statement 2021-26

    Download this document: Licensing Policy Statement 2021-26 (PDF: 479 KB)

    The licensing authority (the council) is required under the Licensing Act to publish its five-year Licensing Policy Statement which was approved by full council on 20th January 2021.

    First published: 20/01/2021

  • Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

    Download this document: Sex Establishment Licensing Policy (PDF: 180 KB)

    Our sex establishment licensing policy contains the policy of Liverpool City Council on the regulation of sex establishments. It is intended to apply to all applications received after the date on which it is approved by the council.

    First published: 10/03/2011

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  • Enforcement Policy 2024

    Download this document: Enforcement Policy 2024 (PDF: 305 KB)

    This policy is to ensure that regulated services understand the principles that the council applies when enforcing the law. It provides a framework to ensure we behave in a fair, consistent, and proportionate manner.

    First published: 10/12/2024