Gypsy and Traveller sites
Permanent site
We provide a permanent, safe and well managed site for the Gypsy and Traveller community. This is located at Tara Park, Oil Street, Liverpool, L3 7HF.
How to apply
Before you apply, read the allocations policy for Tara Park.
Repairs and health and safety
We carry out a health and safety audit of the site every week and provide an initial response to repairs within 48 hours of the issue being reported.
If you would like information about this site or other provisions for Gypsies and Travellers, please contact us.
Reporting problems
If you would like to have your say on the site or report a problem, you can complete the council’s online Have Your Say form.
Unauthorised encampments
The council has a duty to look after the welfare of people in unauthorised encampments. We do this by working closely with health and education services, the police, community wardens and other specialist agencies. We carry out welfare checks on your initial visit to the encampment.
We also have an enforcement role to ensure community cohesion. We work with landowners, local businesses and communities as well as the police, environmental health and Gypsy and Traveller communities.