Contact us

Make a formal complaint about most council services

Report an issue

In the first instance, please report your issue directly to a service area without using this formal complaints procedure. This is the quickest way to get your issue resolved. View all our key contact forms.

When to use this process

Complaint types that fall outside this process are listed under In this section on this page. Please use the links to find out more. Your complaint may be rejected if you do not use the correct process.

Before you start

Formal complaints about all other council services will only be investigated if you have already reported your issue to the correct service area for a resolution. We may reject your complaint if there is no evidence that you have already done this.

To contact a service area directly and log an issue, please use our online contact forms.

Common requests include:

View all our contact forms

Still want to log a formal complaint?

If you have already reported an issue and we haven’t been able to resolve it, you can make a formal complaint online using the form below or calling us.

Make a complaint online

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

Call us on 0151 233 3000 or visit a One Stop Shop and speak to an adviser.

What happens once I have made a complaint?

We will do our best to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. We will do this by following the 'Have Your Say' complaints procedure.

  • Stage 1: We will deal with your complaint within 10 working days.
  • Stage 2: We will arrange for a senior officer to do a further investigation within 25 working days if things are not resolved.
  • Stage 3: If you are still unhappy you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

The following documents provide more information about 'Have Your Say' and how we deal with unreasonable and vexatious customers.