Planning and building control

Planning application forms and checklists

These application forms are here for you to download, fill in, print and return. They are for customers who already know what form they need and cannot apply online via the Planning Portal.

You must use the help text (under each application type) and validation guidance checklist below to ensure you have filled it in correctly and have attached the right supporting information.

  • Validation guidance and local information requirements for planning applications

    Download this document: Validation guidance and local information requirements for planning applications (PDF: 1.1 MB)

    This sets out which documents are required for planning applications - the local list of validation requirements. This is in addition to the mandatory national requirements. All submissions will be reviewed against the requirements set out in the national and local list.

    First published: 29/04/2024

    Last updated: 18/06/2024

You can also download forms directly from the Planning Portal.

Frequently used forms

Household planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling

For modifications to houses including any associated garden walls, gates, outbuilding and hardstanding.

Prior approval for householders

If you're proposing to build a single storey extension at the rear.

Prior approval notice for change of use from business to residential

For the change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from class B1(a) (business-offices) to Class C3 (dwelling-houses). This permitted development right is temporary until 30th May 2019 (the fee for this application type is £80).

Householder certificate of proposed lawfulness

To formalise a response regarding whether a proposal relating to a house and its grounds is permitted development i.e. does not require the submission of a householder application for planning permission.

Planning permission

For all development and changes of use requiring planning permission (including flats).

Outline planning permission with some matters reserved

This refers to an application for the principle of a development with limited details regarding access, design and siting.

Outline planning permission with all matters reserved

For the principle of a development only with no details provided regarding access, design and siting.

Consent to display an advertisement

This form should be used for the erection or display of a sign, fascia sign, notice or advertisement.

Approval of reserved matters following outline approval

This application would be submitted after the approval of an outline application.

Approval for details reserved by condition of Town and Country Planning Act 1990

This form should be completed when applying to discharge conditions relating to a householder, full, outline or reserved matters application.

Tree works subject to a TPO and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area

Refers to any works to any part of the tree including roots. Please note that there are penalties - up to £20,000 on summary conviction - for unauthorised work likely to destroy a protected tree.

Forms for more specialist use

Non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission

Relates to an amendment to a proposed scheme that is very minor in nature. It is advised that you contact the planning case officer prior to the submission of this form to discuss your proposal.

Listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building

This form is for works to a listed building that do not require planning permission or when an application for planning permission is being submitted separately.

Lawful development certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition

Should be completed in instances where a development or change of use have been implemented unlawfully, i.e. without planning permission, for a number of years. You may wish to seek the advice of a planning officer before you complete this form to ensure that it is suitable for your needs.

Lawful development certificate for a proposed use of development

This should be completed to formalise a response regarding whether a proposal relating to a change of use or development to any premises other than a house is permitted development or lawful and therefore does not require the submission of a householder application for planning permission.

Prior notification of proposed development in respect of permitted development by telecommunications code systems operators

Relates to applications for telecoms masts and communication devices.

Prior notification of proposed demolition

This relates primarily to the demolition of dwelling houses.

Removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission

This form should be used to make an application for the removal or variation of a condition following the grant of planning permission or listed building consent.

Other useful forms

Other paper forms are available for a range of planning applications. You can download these from the Planning Portal.