Planning and building control

What you need to get planning permission

When you submit a planning application you need to provide all the relevant documents, drawings and plans along with your payment. This is so we can validate and process them.

Validation checklist

The validation checklist outlines the validation guidance and local information requirements for planning applications and tells you what to include with your application.

  • Validation guidance and local information requirements for planning applications

    Download this document: Validation guidance and local information requirements for planning applications (PDF: 1.1 MB)

    This sets out which documents are required for planning applications - the local list of validation requirements. This is in addition to the mandatory national requirements. All submissions will be reviewed against the requirements set out in the national and local list.

    First published: 29/04/2024

    Last updated: 18/06/2024

National requirements

An overview of what you need to supply is below, but we advise you to read the validation checklist above for full details of what you need to include.

Location plan

  • This should be based on an up-to-date Ordnance Survey map at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500.
  • This must show at least two named roads and surrounding buildings.
  • This must show house numbers or names on all properties. Mark the edge of the application site clearly with a red line.
  • Draw a blue line around any other land you own.

Site and other plans

  • This is a more detailed plan at a scale of 1:500 or 1:200. It should show the relationship of the proposed development to the site boundary and any buildings on neighbouring land.
  • Other plans include roof and floor plans and proposed elevations.

Certificates and statements

  • Ownership certificate stating the ownership of the property.
  • Agricultural holdings certificate — whether the site includes an agricultural holding.
  • Design and access statement, if required.

Local level requirements

As well as the national requirements above, you will need to include specific documentation required for applications in Liverpool.

These are in the validation checklists for each application type but you should read the full national and local validation guidance document above for more detailed information.

Buying location and site plans

If you buy your plans from an accredited supplier they are less likely to be rejected. See the Planning Portal for details on how to make sure your plans are valid and a list of accredited suppliers.

You can buy copies and extracts from Planning Portal Request a Plan or Liverpool Record Office for recent editions of Ordnance Survey Maps nationwide. These are for planning applications, boundary disputes, genealogy and local history. Or you can buy directly from Ordnance Survey.

Please note that Planning and Building Control no longer provide Ordnance Survey maps.