Planning and building control

About the new plan

A Local Plan is a statutory document and a powerful tool that shapes our city and its neighbourhoods. Find out what a Local Plan is and why we need to update it. 

What is a Local Plan?

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and planning regulations set out how to prepare a Local Plan.

The plan must identify:

  • how much new development is needed
  • what form the development should take
  • where the development should be located
  • any services and infrastructure needed to the development

The plan will be used to assess planning applications and guide decisions on future development. The new plan will also define:

  • where housing could be built
  • land that could be used to provide employment
  • what new development should look like
  • how infrastructure needs could be met, such as schools, open spaces, health care facilities and transport links

Why do we need a new Local Plan? 

The plan must be kept up to date to reflect national planning requirements and meet the needs of Liverpool's communities and businesses. We also need to create a new plan because:

  • the evidence used to prepare the current plan needs updating
  • there have been changes to the NPPF, including how housing requirements are calculated
  • a number of national and local circumstances have changed

The current Liverpool Local Plan 2023-2033 remains the adopted policy until the update is complete and a revised plan is adopted by the council.

The evidence we use 

Evidence-based studies will help to shape the new Local Plan. The studies are listed below. We will publish them all on this website as soon as they have been produced.

  • Strategic Housing Market Needs Assessment
  • Employment Land and Premises Study
  • Open Space Assessment
  • Playing Pitch Strategy
  • Town Centre Uses Study
  • City Centre Strategy
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan