Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Planning and building control

High hedge disputes

If you’ve been unable to resolve a high hedge dispute with your neighbour you can request that we look into your complaint under Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003.

This should only be used as a last resort, and we advise you to read the guidance ‘Over the garden hedge’ for advice on how to settle disputes amicably.

You should also be aware that legislation does not require all hedges to be cut down to a height of two metres – please read our high hedges planning advice note for more information:

Before approaching the council

Please be aware that we charge £400 to investigate high hedge complaints.

Before approaching the council about a high hedge issue, you will need to prove that you have taken the following steps to resolve the issue yourself first:

  • Write to your neighbour. And send a second letter if they do not respond to your first letter. Keep copies as we’ll need to see them, and the dates they were sent.
  • You’ll need to prove that you have arranged some sort of mediation exercise to help you and your neighbour to come to a compromise.
  • You must tell your neighbour in writing of your intention to make a complaint to the council. You’ll need to show us a copy of this letter, and the date sent.

Once you’ve done all of the above, you can submit a formal complaint.

Make a formal complaint

Remember to include:

  • copies of all correspondence with your neighbour
  • a photograph of the hedge
  • a plan showing where the hedge is in relation to your house and the neighbouring property, with measurements (for example, hedge height and distance from your house)
  • a cheque for £400 payable to Liverpool City Council. We cannot accept cash.

Return your completed form, supporting documents and payment to the address on the form, or you can hand it in to any of our One Stop Shops. Please note that One Stop Shops do not accept cash payments.

You’ll also need to send a copy of the complaint form to the complainant and any other associated parties you mention on the form.

What happens next?

Our role would be to adjudicate on whether the hedge is adversely affecting the complainant’s reasonable enjoyment of their property.

If we find that it breaches the act, we will issue a formal notice to the hedge owner which will set out what they must do to fix the problem, and by when.

If the hedge owner fails to carry out the works specified, they could be prosecuted and fined up to £1,000.