Co-ordinated school admission arrangements
The School Admissions Code requires all local authorities to have co-ordinated admission arrangements for admission into Reception and Year 7.
This means that parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day. The result is a more objective, clear and fair admissions process.
Liverpool Local Authority have agreed with Liverpool schools, the Liverpool Schools' Admission Forum, Diocese, Archdiocese and neighbouring local authorities to use the following co-ordinated admission arrangements and equal preference scheme to allocate places in Liverpool primary and secondary schools.
Primary schools
These documents include information relevant to the September your child is due to start school and include:
- Reception class co-ordinated admission arrangements
- Community primary school admission policy
- In Year application admission arrangements
- Definitions for admissions purposes
Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community primary schools 2024-25
Download this document: Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community primary schools 2024-25 (PDF: 274 KB)
The aim of co-ordinated admission arrangements is to ensure parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day.
First published: 28/04/2023
Last updated: 2/09/2024
Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community primary schools 2025-26
Download this document: Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community primary schools 2025-26 (PDF: 341 KB)
The aim of co-ordinated admission arrangements is to ensure parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day.
First published: 14/03/2024
Last updated: 12/08/2024
Secondary schools
These documents include information relevant to the September your child is due to start school and include:
- Secondary school co-ordinated admission arrangements
- Community secondary school Year 6 to Year 7 transfer admission policy
- Community secondary school sixth form admission policy
- Secondary schools In Year application admission arrangements
- Community secondary school In Year admission policy
- Definitions for admission
Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community secondary schools 2024-25
Download this document: Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community secondary schools 2024-25 (PDF: 261 KB)
The aim of co-ordinated admission arrangements is to ensure parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day.
First published: 28/04/2023
Last updated: 2/09/2024
Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community secondary schools 2025-26
Download this document: Co-ordinated admission arrangements for community secondary schools 2025-26 (PDF: 393 KB)
The aim of co-ordinated admission arrangements is to ensure parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day.
First published: 14/03/2024
Last updated: 12/08/2024
Admission policies for other schools
If you are applying for a school place at an academy, trust, foundation, voluntary aided or non-Liverpool school, you should also read the individual school admission policies which you will find on the school websites in their admissions section.