Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Adult Social Care

Report an adult at risk of abuse or neglect

If you think someone over 18 is being mistreated, you should tell us. A person may be more vulnerable to abuse or neglect if they have care and support needs.

This process is for members of the public to raise a concern about suspected abuse or neglect. If you are a healthcare worker, GP or other professional raising a concern, follow the safeguarding process for professionals.

If the person is at immediate risk of harm and an urgent response is required please contact the police on 0151 709 6010. Dial 999 in an emergency or where there is any indication a criminal act has occurred.

When you should report it to us

The abuse or neglect could come from anyone - including family members, friends or professionals. It could include:

  • physical abuse
  • domestic abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • neglect
  • self-neglect (someone not looking after themselves)
  • psychological or emotional abuse
  • modern slavery (forcing someone to work)
  • financial abuse
  • discriminatory abuse

If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone else, do not ignore it.

Before you start

The things we'll need to know include:

  • Personal details of the person at risk, such as name, date of birth/age and address.
  • Personal details of the person reporting the concern, including your relationship to the individual.
  • GP details of the person at risk, if you know them.
  • Details of the safeguarding concern and why you think they are at risk.

If you cannot provide much detail or wish to remain anonymous, you can call us on 0151 459 2606 to report your concerns.

The form should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. You can complete this yourself, or a family member or friend can do this for you.

Report an adult at risk

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data

What happens next?

When we receive your report we will get the right services involved. This may include talking to the police and a social worker.

We will talk to the person being abused or neglected about what help they might need and ask what they want to happen.

If they are unable to make an informed choice we will support and protect them to make sure they are safe and well.