Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Benefits and support

Local Housing Allowance

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is Housing Benefit to help pay your rent if you are on a low income and rent from a private landlord.

We use Local Housing Allowance rates to work out your Housing Benefit.

Can I claim?

Your claim is based on Housing Benefit rules where we look at your income and circumstances. We use the LHA rate as the starting point.

You can use an independent benefits calculator on GOV.UK to check if you can apply for Housing Benefit, or get an estimate from us when you start your application.

How to apply

You can claim Local Housing Allowance by completing a Housing Benefit application.

How much will I get?

How much you get depends on how many people live in the property and the rent levels in the area, not the actual rent charged for the property.

If the rent is more than the Local Housing Allowance, you need to pay the difference to your landlord.

When you apply, we will give you an estimate based on what you have told us. We will let you know what your actual award is once we have processed your claim.

LHA rates from April 2023

Bedroom rate Rate per week Rate per month
Shared £65.25 £283.53
1 Bedroom £92.05 £399.98
2 Bedroom £108.16 £469.98
3 Bedroom £120.82 £524.99
4 Bedroom £156.00 £677.86

You can use the LHA bedroom calculator on Directgov to find out how many bedrooms you are eligible for.

LHA rates from April 2024

Bedroom rate Rate per week Rate per month
Shared £79.25 £344.36
1 Bedroom £115.07 £500.01
2 Bedroom £136.93 £594.99
3 Bedroom £149.59 £650
4 Bedroom £201.37 £875

You can use the LHA bedroom calculator on Directgov to find out how many bedrooms you are eligible for.

If you live in shared accommodation


If you and your partner have sole use of a bedroom but share other rooms like the kitchen, bathroom, toilet or living room, you get the shared accommodation LHA rate which is usually lower than the one-bedroom rate.

You get the one-bedroom rate if:

  • one of you is severely disabled and getting the middle or higher rate care part of Disability Living Allowance; or
  • one of you is under 25 and has been in the care of, or housed by, a local authority since the age of 16.

You get the two-bedroom rate if one of you receives overnight care from a carer who does not live with you.


Over 35 years of age

If you are single, over 35, living alone and share some parts of your accommodation you get the one-bedroom rate if:

  • you have sole use of at least two rooms, counting only bedrooms and living rooms; or
  • you have sole use of one room and sole use of a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen or cooking facilities.

Under 35 years of age

You usually get the ‘shared accommodation rate’ of LHA, even if you live in a self-contained one-bedroom flat or in a house where you have sole use of more than one room.


You will not be restricted to the shared accommodation rate if you:

  • live with an adult non-dependent
  • are a foster carer
  • get the severe disability premium in your benefit
  • receive the middle or higher rate care component of the Disability Living Allowance or the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment or Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • need an extra bedroom for a carer who provides you with overnight care but doesn't live with you
  • are aged under 25 and have been in care
  • live in supported housing provided by a housing association, registered charity, voluntary organisation
  • have spent at least three months in a homeless hostel or hostel specialising in rehabilitating and resettling within the community. You need to have been offered and accepted support services
  • are 25 or over and managed under active multi-agency public protection arrangements
  • are a victim of domestic abuse or modern slavery.