Marriages and civil partnerships

Final ceremony choices and payment

Groom and best men walking in St Johns Garden

Make your final ceremony choices and pay for a previously booked and confirmed ceremony.

If you have given notice and previously booked and confirmed your marriage or civil partnership ceremony, you should now tell us your final choices and pay your final balance online.

You will need to confirm that both parties have given notice and confirm the date and time of your ceremony.

We will also ask for the following information, so please have this to hand:

  • Name of two witnesses
  • If you intend to be escorted into the ceremony room
  • Number of bridesmaids, page boys or flower girls (if applicable)
  • Details of any readings and music
  • Your preferred declaration and contracting vow

Any enhancements that you choose must not contain any religious references or be taken from any religious texts.

Make final ceremony choices and payment

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

What happens next?

Once you have submitted your final choices and made your payment, you will receive a confirmation email from us.

Please note:

  • For ceremonies taking place at the Register Office at St George's Hall, your booking includes the ceremony and the attendance of the Registrars.
  • For ceremonies taking place in all other venues (including non Register Office rooms at St George's Hall) your booking is for the attendance of Registrars only. You must also book the ceremony room at the venue of your choice.
  • For ceremonies taking place in a religious building your booking includes the attendance of the Registrar only. You must also contact the religious building to confirm your booking with them.