Apply for SEND home to school transport
Parents and carers of pupils up to the age of 18 with a SEND (special education need or disability) can apply for help with transport to and from school or college by using the form on this page.
Parents and carers of students with a SEND who are aged 19-25 will need to request an adult social care assessment to discuss their transport needs.
Who can apply?
The application form on this page is for parents and carers to apply on behalf of a:
- pupil with a special educational need up to the age of 16 on the 1st of September in the academic year they apply
- student with a special educational need aged 16-18 years old who is in education and has an EHCP (education, health and care plan)
- pupil or student with a long or short-term disability (medical evidence required)
Eligibility criteria checklist
- The pupil must have an EHCP
- The school or college named in the EHCP is the nearest suitable school, as determined by the local authority
- The pupil must attend their nearest suitable school, and have a long or short-term disability which means they cannot reasonably be expected to walk
- Either you or your partner are disabled and are unable to accompany your child to school
If the answer to any of the above is no, then you may not be eligible for travel support.
Before you apply
Before you apply please:
- explore the option of a free Merseytravel pass
- find out more about independent travel training
- find out more about a personal transport budget
How to apply
Apply online for help with home to school transport (SEND children up to 18)
Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.
What happens next?
We will review your initial application within 5 working days. If a further assessment or additional evidence is needed this may take an additional 15 working days. Where medical evidence is required the assessment process may take longer.
Parents and carers are responsible for making sure your child gets to their educational setting safely and on time, until we have completed the assessment and determined the most appropriate type of travel support.
If your application is successful, we may offer one of the following options:
- a bus pass - only if a free Merseytravel pass cannot be used to get to and from school or college
- a walking route with support from an escort or travel buddy, for example.
- independent travel training
- a personal transport budget paid to the parent or carer of £3 per day, plus 45p per mile for up to two journeys a day within Liverpool
If none of the above is appropriate then we may consider a minibus, dedicated school transport or taxi.
Passenger assistants are allocated to vehicles where it has been identified that pupils require supervision during the journeys to and from school. Passengers assistants and drivers working on the home to school transport contract are required to have a satisfactory disclosure check at enhanced level.
Standards and conduct
We have produced a guide which outlines a code of conduct and expected standards from all involved in the transport service.
SEND transport handbook
Download this document: SEND transport handbook (PDF: 351 KB)
This guide is for eligible pupils, parents and carers, schools, passenger assistants, transport contractors and drivers. It outlines the code of conduct and expected standards from all involved in the transport service.
First published: 26/07/2024
Can I appeal a decision?
Details of how to appeal a decision will be on the email we send to you when we respond to your application. Decisions are based on the criteria set out in the documents below.
Home to School Transport Policy 2024-25
Download this document: Home to School Transport Policy 2024-25 (PDF: 397 KB)
Home to school transport policy for compulsory school aged pupils up to age 16.
First published: 23/05/2022
Last updated: 1/10/2024
Post 16 Transport Statement 2024-25
Download this document: Post 16 Transport Statement 2024-25 (PDF: 321 KB)
For learners aged 16-18 and for students aged 19-25 with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
First published: 24/05/2021
Last updated: 29/04/2024
School travel support appeals guide 2024-25
Download this document: School travel support appeals guide 2024-25 (PDF: 291 KB)
This guide explains how to make an appeal through the appeals process and tells you what happens at an appeal hearing.
First published: 23/05/2022
Last updated: 28/08/2024
The following updated policies will take effect from September 2025:
Home to School Transport Policy 2025-26
Download this document: Home to School Transport Policy 2025-26 (PDF: 274 KB)
Home to school transport policy for compulsory school aged pupils up to age 16.
First published: 2/09/2024
Post 16 Transport Statement 2025-26
Download this document: Post 16 Transport Statement 2025-26 (PDF: 409 KB)
For learners aged 16-18 and for students aged 19-25 with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
First published: 2/09/2024
School travel support appeals guide 2025-26
Download this document: School travel support appeals guide 2025-26 (PDF: 291 KB)
This guide explains how to make an appeal through the appeals process and tells you what happens at an appeal hearing.
First published: 28/08/2024
Contact us
For more information about home to school transport please email