Pillar one: Economy

The key council led strategies and plans that support pillar one of the Council Plan, to create a strong and fair economy for all.

Council strategies and plans

  • Liverpool Local Plan 2013-2033

    Download this document: Liverpool Local Plan 2013-2033

    All local planning authorities must prepare a local plan to guide the long-term, strategic spatial development of their area. This link takes you to the main Adopted Local Plan page with a range of supplementary planning documents.

    First published: 12/01/2022

  • Cultural Strategy for Liverpool

    Download this document: Cultural Strategy for Liverpool

    ‘Developing A Cultural Strategy For Liverpool’ is a strategy that sets out the vision for the cultural life of Liverpool up to 2030. This link takes you to the Culture Liverpool website.

    First published: 1/06/2021

There are other important strategies and plans in development to support delivery of this pillar, which will focus on inclusive economic growth, regeneration and investment, and strategic management of our assets.

Other policies and documents

  • Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/2023

    Download this document: Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/2023 (PDF: 1.1 MB)

    In accordance with Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 121A the Government requires that an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is published by 31st December each year.

    First published: 29/12/2023

    Last updated: 29/12/2023