Pillar 1: A strong and fair economy for all

We will work with stakeholders and proactively support businesses, clusters, quality developments, investment and events that enable Liverpool to create a stronger and more inclusive economy.

Flag stone with the words Paths of peace, trees or knowledge, birds of freedom, leaves of hope

Accountability for delivery

  • Cabinet Member for Growth and Economy
  • Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Culture
  • Corporate Director for City Development
  • Director Culture & Major Events
  • The Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, and the Chief Executive have accountability and oversight across all six pillars

What we want to achieve

  1. Priority outcomes

    1. Growth in Liverpool’s businesses and decent jobs
    2. Inclusive growth, where residents can access good jobs with fair wages
    3. Neighbourhoods are supported to thrive and grow sustainably
    4. Increased inward investment and improved infrastructure
    5. A distinctive and exciting cultural destination for all
  1. How we will deliver the outcomes for a strong and fair economy for all

    1. Growth in Liverpool’s businesses and decent jobs

      1. Develop a clear economic strategic vision for Liverpool, with a place shaping action plan to secure future investment, development and prosperity for the city and its residents. This will be informed by the Strategic Futures Panel and aligned closely with the Combined Authority’s plans
      2. Deliver growth in key clusters, sectors and geographical areas to create and retain decent jobs. For example, we’ll work with the city region to develop proposals for a Life Sciences Investment Zone and capitalise on burgeoning elements of our creative industries – including the film sector
      3. Create the right environment for businesses to grow through support programmes, effective planning policies and processes, and improved engagement with local suppliers and quality investors
      4. Provide additional opportunities for micro, small and medium enterprises, including through our markets plan, events and accessible procurement
    2. Inclusive growth, where residents can access good jobs with fair wages

      1. Develop and strengthen partnership arrangements with business and skills providers to deliver an employment and skills plan for the city
      2. Help residents to access good jobs in future growth sectors through skills, training and employment support – particularly for those facing the greatest barriers to the labour market
      3. Maximise our social value impact as a major local funder, buyer and asset holder to create benefits for our communities, tackle inequality and improve the environment
      4. Promote and progress Liverpool City Region’s Fair Employment Charter, the Real Living Wage and produce a new Liverpool Construction Charter
      5. Support Liverpool’s social enterprise sector so that thriving purposeful businesses improve the wellbeing of local communities
      6. Increase digital inclusion, access and skills through working with the Combined Authority and other partners
    3. Neighbourhoods are supported to thrive and grow sustainably

      1. Embed the Local Plan and associated policies across the Council’s decision-making to shape high quality place-making and ensure all the council’s statutory enforcement functions work together for the betterment of our neighbourhoods
      2. Develop quality placemaking policies to supplement the Local Plan
      3. Work towards new developments complying with the Council’s net zero and environmental ambitions
      4. Use our assets as a catalyst for neighbourhood regeneration, including in our most deprived communities
      5. Deliver community benefits and place-based outcomes through the Council’s acquisitions, disposals and affording opportunities to others, for example through Community Asset Transfers and Meanwhile Use
      6. Draw on Liverpool’s diverse cultural strengths to enhance regeneration and create areas where people want to live and visit – including through our parks, markets, public art, heritage buildings, libraries, leisure and other venues and activity
    4. Increased inward investment and improved infrastructure

      1. Progress existing major projects, including Anfield Square, Festival Gardens, Littlewoods Film Studios, Kings Dock and Paddington Village
      2. Develop a prioritised pipeline of major projects, with internal and external capital funding clearly identified
      3. Establish new investment and delivery partnerships across Liverpool and the city region to bring new sources of financial and development expertise, enabling delivery at increased pace and scale
      4. Improve project delivery performance, with strengthened programme management and a systematic approach to assurance and delivery processes
      5. Identify and seize new investment opportunities nationally and internationally
      6. Maximise social, employment and financial benefits from all commercial opportunities and investments
      7. Work with the Combined Authority to maximise local impact from improvements to the city region’s core infrastructure, including in digital, energy and transport sectors
      8. Develop strategic policies to supplement the Local Plan and help attract quality, sustainable inward investment
    5. A distinctive and exciting cultural destination for all

      1. Launch Destination Liverpool to promote Liverpool internationally and strengthen the visitor economy
      2. Capitalise on the legacy of Eurovision, World Gymnastics Championships and attract other major events - business, leisure, sporting and cultural
      3. Promote Liverpool as a music destination, drawing on the Music City and UNESCO Music City brands
      4. Work with Liverpool’s culture, heritage and sports sectors to showcase our city and create opportunities for all residents to engage in creative and physical activities helping to promote improved mental health and wellbeing
      5. Maximise the use of council-owned or managed assets (e.g. our public buildings, public realm and public highway) to generate economic return via the support and facilitation of television & film production, major events, third party private events or brand activation
Aerial view of Liverpool Film Centre