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How to apply for accessible housing is changing

From 2024, Access Liverpool will cease operation and adapted properties will be advertised on Propertypool Plus.

If you have any questions, contact us at or call 0151 233 2150.

Accessible homes

Access Liverpool is a partnership between the council and the city’s registered social landlords which provides properties specifically designed or built for disabled people.

These properties may have been adapted around the needs of a previous tenant who was disabled and may be a flat, house, or in a small number of cases, a bungalow. All properties have a level access shower or wet room.

We are a high demand service and adapted properties are limited. This means it may take longer for a property that meets your needs to become available.

Who can apply? 

If you are disabled and need a level access shower or wet room, you can apply to Access Liverpool for a suitable property.

Before you apply

If you wish to remain in your own home but are finding it difficult due to medical conditions, you can request an occupational therapy assessment. The assessment may identify equipment and adaptations that may resolve your housing needs. Find out how to request an occupational therapy assessment.

How to apply

 Download, fill in and return the application form below.