Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Planning and building control

Planning application process

In most cases, we will grant planning permission if your application meets our policies and standards and follows government guidance.

An overview of the planning process is below. 

What happens when you submit a planning application

Once you submit your application, it is registered and validated and we’ll let you know if we need any more information. The application is then assigned to a planning officer.


We deal with applications within the statutory period of eight weeks for minor applications, 13 weeks for major applications and 16 weeks for applications accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment.


We consult people who may be affected and other interested parties. People involved in the consultation have 21 days to share their views. Negotiations are carried out if needed and we re-consult if necessary.

Site visit

The planning officer will visit the site to assess the proposals and discuss any issues or changes.


The planning officer makes a recommendation and a decision is made under delegated powers by the Head of Planning. Comments made during the consultation are also taken into account before a decision is made. The application is considered by the Planning Committee and we’ll send you a decision notice to tell you if your application has been approved or rejected.


If the application is approved, we consider the need for additional approvals such as building regulations and, where necessary, submit an application to discharge planning conditions.


If the application is rejected, you can contact your case officer to discuss possible amendments to your proposal. If you don’t want to make any changes or don’t agree with the decision, you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.