Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Planning and building control

Strategic housing land availability assessment

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2021

An updated Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) has been completed to a base-date of 1st April 2021 and is available to download below.

You can also view the associated map online.

How the 2021 SHLAA update will be used

The 2021 SHLAA update provides important information about the housing development potential within the City. It is produced annually - this SHLAA updates the 2020 Assessment and covers the period up to April 2021. It contains 1006 sites of some 368 sites which already have planning permission. A site does not need to be in the SHLAA before it can be put forward for development but if a new site is granted planning permission it will be added to the next SHLAA update

The SHLAA is a technical exercise of the suitability, availability and achievability of sites. It is a database of sites which have the physical potential for house building.

The SHLAA has no bearing on the determination of planning applications and is not:

  • A statement of council policy;
  • A list of sites which will get planning permission;
  • Able to allocate sites for housing development

Existing policies that manage the location of housing development still apply even where a site is identified in the SHLAA.

Call for Sites submissions

We continue to invite stakeholders to submit site suggestions for new housing development for inclusion in the SHLAA. You can submit a site which you deem suitable for housing using our Call for Sites process.