Bank transfers made to us on Friday afternoon: Due to issues with our banking provider Barclays, we were unable to review transactions. If you cannot see a record of your payment or income in your account, please contact the relevant service area.

Communities and safety

Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-26

A three-year strategy to transform the way Liverpool City Council responds to violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Launching January 2023, Liverpool City Council’s first ever VAWG strategy will run until January 2026. It follows three stages of rigorous consultation to engage various sectors and social groups across Liverpool, including young girls and students who shared their experiences in and out of school, as well as specialist organisations involved in supporting those affected.

As a result, five ambitions and priorities have been identified and will each endorse a preventative approach:

  • Response to victims and survivors
  • Response to perpetrators
  • Sustainable funding
  • Changing the narrative
  • Governance and accountability

In addition to the consultation and development of the strategy, £846,000 funding has been secured via Safer Streets to improve safety and reduce fear of crime in the night-time economy.

  • Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026

    Download this document: Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF: 504 KB)

    A three-year strategy to transform the way Liverpool City Council responds to violence against women and girls, by engaging and working collaboratively with city-wide stakeholders across various sectors and social groups across Liverpool.

    First published: 6/01/2023