Adult Social Care

Access your social care records

If you have been involved with children’s or adults services you have a right to see a copy of the personal data we hold about you. This right is set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 and is commonly referred to as a subject access or data access request.

How do I make a request?

In the first instance, if you have a social worker you should speak to them. They will be able to provide you with any records you have a right to see, such as your assessment, without the need to make a subject access request.

If you wish to access more detailed information, such as your full case records, you can make the request in the following ways.


You can complete a request online on our 'How to access your data' page.

You will need to upload two proofs of ID (see 'Proofs we need' below). 

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data

By post or email

You can write to:

Customer Insight and Information Team
Adult Services
Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building
Water Street
L3 1AH

Or email inforequests​childrensadults​

Visit a One Stop Shop

If you are unable to make a request in writing you can ask a member of staff at any of our One Stop Shops to assist you.

Proofs we need

It is important that we give information to the right person, therefore we require you to provide two proofs of identity, one of which must be photographic ID. This can either be your passport, driving licence or bus pass and a recent utility bill issued within the last three months showing your present address.

How soon will you respond?

We endeavour to respond within calendar 30 days, however due to the complex nature of social care and health information this may be extended to 90 days. Once we have made an assessment of your request, we'll contact you to tell you how long it will take.

There may also be occasions when we need to request further details from you in order to locate the required information, or to prove your identity. The time period will only start once we have received this additional information.  

What information will I get?

There are certain exemptions that restrict us from disclosing information about other people such as family members (referred to as third parties), information provided in confidence, legal advice and information that, if released may cause you or another person harm.

You will be notified of any information you are not entitled to have access to in our response.

Can I access information about my child or another adult?

If the person you are making the request on behalf of can make decisions about whom they want to see their personal information, we will require their permission before disclosing information to you.

For those who can’t make this decision, information may be released to you if you have a legal right such as Parental Responsibility or Power of Attorney.

We will always consider the best interests of the person you are requesting information on behalf of before releasing it.

Can I access information about someone who is deceased?

We may be able to release information to you depending on your relationship. You will need to provide proof you are the executor of the deceased’s estate to make the request.

What if I am unhappy with the way you have handled my request?

You have the right to contact the Information Commissioner.

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 113