Adult Learning Service Liverpool

IELTS for asylum seekers and refugees

We run English courses for adults over 19 years of age, many of which are free of charge. You will need to complete skills check before you join.  

This course is currently full.

Entry requirements

Completion of Entry 3 ESOL or higher.  

This course is for learners who are asylum seekers and refugees. You also need to be living in the Liverpool City Region. 

IELTS exam preparation  

This course prepares learners for the IELTS Examination.  It focuses on exam techniques and developing skills in academic writing, reading, speaking, and listening.  The course is taught face-to-face.  

Learners will be entered into the Academic IELTS Exam. Learners with a learning difficulty can apply for extra support.

How to enquire about a course

To express and interest in the listed courses above, please complete the form below. Select 'IELTS' from the dropdown options and add the course name when prompted.

Enquire about a course now (this course is currently full)

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data

Your timetable will be given to you after your initial assessment. We will do our best to accommodate your work and family commitments.