The Live Well Directory
The Live Well Directory brings together information about groups and organisations across the Liverpool City Region, offering services to people of all ages with various needs.
Search for services
The directory provides information on a range of local care and support services. You can search the directory or view the range of categories including:
- Advice and guidance
- Staying safe
- Living independently
- Community, leisure and learning
- Looking after someone
- Housing and accommodation with care
- Your health and wellbeing
- Getting active
- Children and families
The directory is also useful if you are looking for help with gardening or cleaning, or to find a handyperson to do some simple jobs in the home.
You can search for information and explore a range of options such as help to stop smoking, local care and support as well as social activities, clubs and health and wellbeing services.
Visit the Live Well directory of services
Please note that service providers are responsible for the information on Live Well, and it may not have been provided by a local authority. You should check with providers that their service or organisation meets your requirements. The directory is run by Healthwatch Liverpool.