Licensing and permits

Reviews under the Licensing Act

Who can call a review of licensed premises?

A review may be called by any of the Responsible Authorities or any other person.

A review must be relevant to one or more of the licensing objectives which are as follows:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder.
  • Public safety.
  • The prevention of public nuisance.
  • The protection of children from harm.

Before you call a review please read the guidance notes on the review process.

How to call a review

To call a review download, complete and return the review application form below to: Licensing and Public Protection Service, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

When a review has been applied for, any responsible authority or any other person can make a representation on that application

Licensed premises currently under review

Licensed premises currently subject to closure order

Reporting incidents at licensed premises

Crime and disorder incidents

The police will deal with crime and disorder incidents at or near licensed premises. Call the police on 709 6010 or 999 in an emergency.

Protection of children from harm

In the case of underage sales of alcohol, the council's Safeguarding Children Board wants to hear about premises selling alcohol to underage people or licensed premises that allow unsupervised children access, whose activities may affect a child's wellbeing or development. Call the Safeguarding Children Board on 0151 459 2606.

Public nuisances

The council's public protection unit investigate licensed premises causing a public nuisance due to loud recorded or live music. Contact us on 0151 233 3001.