Key statistics and data

Crime headline indicators

This data provides crime rate statistics for Liverpool. Overall rates are available as well as rates for particular crime types.

All data points are the latest available data, as at September 2023.

You can also view crime maps, statistics and policing information in your local area on the Police.UK website.

Number of crimes


Liverpool number

Liverpool rate per 1,000

England and Wales rate per 1,000

All crimes 73,837 152.4 93.7
Domestic burglary 2,091 4.3 3.2
Theft of motor vehicle *1,427 2.9 2.3
Theft from motor vehicle *1,821 3.8 3.7
Personal robbery *618 1.3 1.1
Violence with injury 6,491 13.4 9.6
Anti-social behaviour 6,116 12.6 16.9

Source: Crime in E&W Report (year ending March 2023); * Merseyside Police Recorded Crime data

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