Key statistics and data

Health and wellbeing headline indicators

This data provides health statistics for Liverpool including life expectancy and mortality rates.

All data points are the latest available data, as at September 2023.

Refer to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for more health data and analysis.

Life expectancy, mortality, suicide and obesity




Female life expectancy (2021) 78.7 82.8
Male life expectancy (2021) 75.8 78.7
Under 75 mortality rate per 100,000 - All causes considered preventable (2021) 288.1 183.2
Under 75 mortality rate per 100,000 - All cancers (2021) 160.9 121.5
Under 75 mortality rate per 100,000 - Cardiovascular (2021) 110.2 76.0
Under 75 mortality rate per 100,000 - Respiratory disease (2021) 49.1 26.5
Suicide rate per 100,000 (2019-21) 11.0 10.4
Adults classed as overweight or obese (2021-22) 65.3% 63.8%
Reception pupils – prevalence of overweight and obesity (2021/22) 26.1% 22.3%
Year 6 pupils – prevalence of overweight and obesity (2021/22) 45.2% 37.8%

Sources: Office for National Statistics, National Child Measurement Programme, Annual Population Survey

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