Key statistics and data

Housing headline indicators

This data provides a range of statistics about housing in Liverpool, including average house prices and stock by Council Tax band.

All data points are the latest available data, as at August 2024.

Housing Stock




Local Authority (incl. owned by other LAs 159 1,571,456
Private registered provider 58,500 2,645,328
Other public sector 0 31,268
Private sector 172,186 21,148,365
Total housing stock 230,845 25,396,447

Source: Dwelling Counts by Tenure: - DLHC and DHCLG. Live tables 100 (2023) data 2024

Council Tax bands



England and Wales

Band A 59.6% 23.3%
Band B 18.5% 19.6%
Band C 12.3% 21.9%
Band D 5.8% 15.7%
Band E 2.1% 10.0%
Band F 1.0% 5.4%
Band G 0.7% 3.5%
Band H 0.1% 0.6%

Source: Valuation Office Agency. Table CTSOP1.1. April 2024

Median House prices (Sept 2023)



England and Wales

All houses £160,000 £285,000
Detached £350,000 £430,000
Semi-Detached £214,125 £267,500
Terraced £140,000 £230,000
Flat/Maisonette £142,000 £225,000
House price to residence-based earnings ratio 4.89 8.14
House price to workplace-based earnings ratio 4.64 8.14


ONS: Median price paid for administrative geographies, published March 2024

ONS: House price to residence/workplace-based earnings ratio, published March 2024


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