Key statistics and data

Deprivation headline indicators

This data provides a range of statistics for Liverpool with regard to deprivation and child poverty.

All data points are the latest available data, as at September 2023.

Index of Multiple Deprivation and poverty



United Kingdom

Average rank (out of 317 English local authorities) 3rd most deprived local authority n/a
Income rank 4th most deprived local authority n/a
Employment 5th most deprived local authority n/a
Education, skills and training 29th most deprived local authority n/a
Health deprivation and disability 3rd most deprived local authority n/a
Crime 22nd most deprived local authority n/a
Barriers to housing and services 280th most deprived local authority n/a
Living environment 5th most deprived local authority n/a
Children (aged under 16) in low income families 2022 (Relative poverty) 23,984 (28.9%) 20.1%
Children (aged under 16) in low income families 2022 (Absolute poverty) 16,781 (20.2%) 15.3%
Households in fuel poverty 2022 (2020 Data) 41,279 (18.7%) England 13.2%


  • Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
  • DWP - Children in Low Income Families
  • BEIS- Sub Regional Fuel Poverty England

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