May 2nd 2024 Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral and PCC elections — candidates, voter ID and where to vote.

Key statistics and data

Education and skills headline indicators

This data provides statistics about education achievements and qualification levels. 

All data points are the latest available data, as at September 2023.

Education stages including NVQs




Good level of development in Foundation Stage 58.3% 65.20%
Achieving expected standards in Key Stage 2 reading, writing and maths 54.0% 58.0%
Average attainment 8 score in Key Stage 4 45.3% 48.9%
University students at UoL, LJMU, Hope, LIPA and LSTM 45.0% 46.8%
NVQ4 and above 44.1% 43.20%
NVQ3 only 16.9% 16.80%
NVQ2 only 14.3% 15.40%
NVQ1 only 8.1% 9.60%
No qualifications 7.9% 6.40%
Apprenticeships - New starts 2,220 275,630
Apprenticeships - Total learners 5,880 703,670
Apprenticeship achievement rate per 10,000 population 161 174

Sources: Annual Population Survey 2021, Department of Education 2022.

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