Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Parks and Greenspaces


Before using any park lakes in Liverpool, you must obtain a permit from the council. This is to help promote good angling and conserve the quality of the lakes.

Once registered, it allows us to contact anglers about any issues affecting the lakes, as well as giving us a better idea as to how our parks are used.

How to apply

Use our online form below to apply for a permit.

Apply for an angling permit

Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data.

Angling lakes

The following parks in Liverpool have angling lakes:

Rod licences

All anglers over 12 years old fishing in freshwater will also need to purchase a rod licence from the Environment Agency. Rod licences must be renewed annually, each April.

Behaviour and expectations

We expect our visitors to behave responsibly and respectfully. Antisocial behaviour and damage to park property will not be tolerated.

Rod license fees are not paid to the council and anglers have no greater entitlement to parks than any other visitor.

Park lakes are not fisheries and the council does not stock fish. Our park lakes are ornamental, man-made lakes, which are home to a multitude of other wildlife.

  • Night fishing is not permitted
  • Do not interfere with parks property such as boreholes and fountains - this is criminal damage
  • Follow all other park rules and byelaws
  • Signage prohibits fishing around some areas of lakes including near habitat islands
  • Never leave your rod unattended
  • Never leave your rod across a footpath
  • Always clear and dispose responsibly any discarded line and hooks