Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Planning and building control

Evidence and information

Collecting information

In addition to the Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR), which assesses how the Local Plan and its policies are progressing, we also collect evidence and information from other sources. These are detailed below.

Land availability lists

This is a list of possible development sites in Liverpool, which are mostly 'Brownfield' sites and empty buildings. For a list of sites to suit your needs, please contact us.

Sub-regional documents

Viability assessment

We have published a Local Plan Viability Assessment to support the Local Plan. The role of the Viability Assessment is to ensure that the Local Plan policies are realistic, and that the total cumulative cost of all relevant policies will not undermine deliverability of the plan.

It is the responsibility of site promoters to engage in plan making, take into account any costs including their own profit expectations and risks, and ensure that proposals for development are policy compliant. The price paid for land is not a relevant justification for failing to accord with relevant policies in the plan.

Liverpool documents