Customer notice: There will be disruption to online services on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January.

Adult Social Care

Getting out and about

Getting out and about and doing the things you enjoy is an important part of staying independent for longer.

An older lady travelling by bus

Travel concessions

Passes for 60+

You can travel free on buses, trains and Mersey Ferries if you are over 60 and live in Merseyside.

Find out more and how to apply on the Merseytravel website.

Concessions for people with a disability

You may qualify for a Merseytravel National Travel Pass if you have certain disabilities which are permanent or are long-lasting. The pass will allow you to travel on buses, trains and Mersey Ferries in Merseyside at any time.

Find out more and how to apply on the Merseytravel website.

Blue badges and parking

Blue badges allow parking concessions for cars carrying people who have a permanent disability.


Mencap Liverpool

Mencap Liverpool provide workshops around healthy living and travel training, designed to support people with a learning disability to be able to travel independently.


Merseytravel operates a dial-a-ride service called Merseylink for people who find using public transport difficult. This might be because they are older or have a physical or sensory impairment.

Train stations

You can find accessibility information about individual train stations on the National Rail website.

Retail and shopping

AccessAble has access guides for retail and shopping venues throughout the Liverpool City Region.


Liverpool Shopmobility supports people with mobility restrictions through the loan of mobility equipment.

Driving and road safety

Driving Mobility can advise and assess people with medical conditions which may affect their ability to drive, and those recovering from an accident or injury.

The council's Road Safety Team work with organisations to deliver workshops aimed at older road users to raise awareness of possible risks.


You can search online for specialist holiday companies such asĀ Tourism for All and Disabled Holidays to find accessible holidays for people of all ages and levels of mobility.