Bins and recycling

Bin collection dates

Use our postcode look-up to find out your waste and recycling collection dates. 

What time should I put my bin or bag out?

All bins and bags must be put out before 6.30am on your collection day.

Where to leave your bin

Bins must be on the kerbside with handles facing towards the road.

If you live in a terraced house, please place your bins in the nearest end of the passage or alley.

Where to leave your bag

All recycling bags must be placed on the pavement by the front door.

Bank Holiday collections

We collect waste and recycling as normal on Bank Holidays. Please present your bins, bags or boxes on your regular collection day.


  • Make sure all rubbish or recycling is placed inside the bin and make sure the lid is closed.
  • Check what can go in each bin — we won't collect bins if they are too heavy or contain incorrect materials.
  • If we've placed a sticker on your bin, it will be collected on your next scheduled collection providing you have removed the incorrect materials.
  • Please return your bin once collected.