10 priorities for the next 18 months

This plan is ambitious and there is a lot that we need to achieve. It is important that we are clear on some of the key shifts we want to see over the next 12-18 months, in a way that will resonate with people in the city.

The following ten priorities set out these key shifts and we will highlight progress in our first review of the plan, and through our communication strategy beforehand. The priorities are:

  1. Improving the council

    The improvement plan, culture change programme and transformation programme. Key outcome is the return of powers and functions to the council and the end of the commissioner-led element of the statutory intervention.

  2. Children’s Services

    Agree and implement an improvement action plan to address the findings of the Ofsted report.

  3. Economic growth

    Develop and deliver a new economic strategy with partners, incorporating outcomes of the Liverpool Strategic Futures panel, and providing a clear framework for our future priorities and investment decisions.

  4. Neighbourhood working

    Reconfigure our service and build capacity in our neighbourhoods to listen and engage with communities. This will inform and influence the delivery of neighbourhood and key wellbeing services e.g. prioritising improvements to street cleansing and parking enforcement, reviewing our leisure offer, library service, how we manage our property, development of family hubs, and focussing on community networks and early intervention to support independent living.

  5. Net Zero

    Begin delivery on a comprehensive and resourced action plan to reach net zero emissions from our assets and direct activity by 2030, whilst also having a clear process in place with suppliers to report on and reduce our outsourced emissions.

  6. Housing

    Develop and implement a new housing strategy, reduce the use of temporary accommodation, and establish an enforcement approach to tackling long-term empty homes to progress towards our targets of 8000 new homes and ending homelessness. Strengthen our relationship with Registered Providers, ensuring that we are on track to supply 20% affordable housing over the next 4 years.

  7. Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

    Work with partners to deliver our shared action plan, including a renewed strategy to tackle domestic abuse, better data and intelligence across partners and implementing recommendations from the domestic homicide review process. Improve women and girls’ experiences and safety on public transport and in the night-time economy.

  8. Cost of Living

    Provide targeted funding through the council’s local welfare provision scheme, help to coordinate local partnership groups to share intelligence and maximise impact, and provide information to residents so they can access all the support that is on offer to them.

  9. Devolution and Partnerships

    Work with the Combined Authority and key partners (including Core Cities) to make the case for increased devolution of powers from government. We will ensure we focus on maximising opportunities e.g. through City Plan partners, Liverpool Strategic Futures Panel and leveraging private investment.

  10. Major events

    Capitalise on the legacy of Eurovision, World Gymnastics Championships and attract other major events - business, leisure, sporting and cultural, which will cement the city’s global reputation for culture and deliver wider economic impact for the benefit of the city.